Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dr. Crescence Allen Reveals Why She Chose Alternative Breast Cancer Treatments

Dr. Crescence Allen Reveals Why She Chose Alternative Breast Cancer Treatments

(NaturalNews) At the close of the White Rose Symposium on contemporary health issues, leading psychologist, health advocate and life coach Crescence Allen agreed to be interviewed about her bout with breast cancer and her decision to forgo the "standard of care" in favor of pursuing alternative treatments. Crescence's expertise includes child development, learning theory, and stress management. She is the author of Adaptive Coping Strategies of High Mastery Caregivers. She is also an herbalist and hypno-therapist.

1 comment:

Walt said...

I hope you are doing well, and stocked up on red wine before the prices go up on everything, as the dollar tanks out.

This may be helpful to someone.

Alternative cancer treatments in Mexico