The sea-buckthorns (Hippophae L.) are deciduous shrubs in the genus Hippophae, family Elaeagnaceae. It is also referred to as "sea buckthorn", seabuckthorn, sandthorn or seaberry. It is known in different languages as: Shaji (Chinese), Duindoorn (Dutch), Sanddorn (German), Olivello Spinoso (Italian), Oblepicha (Russian), Tyrni (Finnish), Espino de Mar, Falso Espino, Espino Amarillo (Spanish), Havtorn (Swedish).
Since 2005 in the United States, other such developed countries and the global functional food industry, there has been a rapidly growing recognition of sea-buckthorn berries for their consumer product potential, exceptional nutrient content and antioxidant qualities, giving them commercial status as a novel superfruit.
Since 2005 in the United States, other such developed countries and the global functional food industry, there has been a rapidly growing recognition of sea-buckthorn berries for their consumer product potential, exceptional nutrient content and antioxidant qualities, giving them commercial status as a novel superfruit.
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