Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chemical found in green tea 'could help to treat leukaemia' - Telegraph

Chemical found in green tea 'could help to treat leukaemia' - Telegraph:

"Scientists found that high doses of a chemical found in the drink could kill cancer cells and reduce symptoms of the disease.

Researchers have been looking at the anti-cancer properties of green tea since the 1970s, when a study showed that countries which consumed large amounts of the herb tended to have lower levels of the disease."

1 comment:

Let's open doors. Explore said...

Nice article. Should have posted yourself in the Beautiful woman section.

I have 8x10 pictures I sell that help Cancer Research. They are $5. Any help you could do would be appreciated. They are "online messages". It's not really artwork and I'm no brilliant writer - but it's a message. Find one and help with Cancer Research....
